Problem solver ISATEC® displacement protection. Thanks to retrofitting, no more displacements on driveways in the Station Square shopping center.

ISATEC® - STOP provides permanent protection

The project is located in Station Square Metrotown in Burnaby, BC. Station Square is part of a very large and very busy shopping center that is visited by thousands of people every day. To connect the different parts of Station Square, a series of driveways were created to allow visitors to get to the different areas of the mall more quickly and easily. The paving stones are interlocking pavers with a joint width of 2 mm.

Shortly after the project was completed, the pavers began to shift due to heavy vehicle traffic and the tension/main stress caused by the vehicles. The original loose joint fill was gone, which meant there was no support structure for the pavers. This caused the stones to loosen and the joints to become larger piece by piece. This led to another problem in addition to displacement. Weeds grew out of the wide joints, dirt and litter, as well as cigarette butts, collected, which had a negative impact on the appearance of the paved area. The shifting of the pavement also made drainage a problem, as water could no longer reach surface drains. In areas, the water stood, and in other areas, pavers were undermined and began to shift as well.

The solution was to take up the particularly badly affected areas of the surface and install the ISATEC® - STOP safety anchors in combination with a new bedding layer. The narrow joints were then grouted with ROMPOX® FUGENSAND NP. The anchors provide the necessary protection against the forces generated by the traffic and secure the paving stones in critical areas.

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