Finding the right solution for your project is the challenge we set ourselves daily.

Always the right anchor

From the start of planning, the expected traffic loads need to be calculated correctly. This doesn’t just involve the amount of expected trarffic but also the drag curve of vehicles. This means simulating the movements expected on the planned surface and testing them. This will show the type of movement profiles that vehicles make on the surface.

In order to prevent breakage and displacement of the slabs from the outset, bonding, slab thickness and superstructure are chosen accordingly and laid. Further down the line, it is possible that occasional temporary spikes in loads occur.

In order to minimise this in the future the research society FSGV Cologne studied this. On 16.01.2014, the research society FSGV (Cologne) released a MFG leaflet. This contains instructions for planning and laying work of large format slabs made of concrete and natural stone as well as solutions for prevention of displacement.

It is important that large format slabs that have sufficient height (thickness) are used. The thicker the slab, the larger the edges subjected to friction. We always have projects that have areas that are subjected to extremely high loads.

Areas at risk can be:

  • Turning areas
  • Descents
  • Stopping areas
  • Entryways
  • Exits

The leaflet says that these ares need to have special measures taken in order to prevent displacement. Using displacement protection for all the different kinds of areas application is recommended. Get more information ISATec® Technical brochure

Bus stops

Cross joint connections
